Peanut Books

Series Editor: Valeria Vogrin ([email protected])


Peanut Books.  A literary offshoot — a rhizomatic and wayward meandering of punctum books.  An offshoot in that it shares absolutely the adventurous mission of the plant from which it grows — to foster ‘writing-as-opening’ and writing as risk and adventure, a going-forth without ‘papers’ or guarantees: falling through the hole/punctum, falling down, freefall. We believe it is possible to create a lively community of readers for each and every Peanut Book by taking creative advantage of the ways in which the marriage of open-access and print-on-demand publishing fosters more accessible archives while not in any way compromising that thing that is the printed book. We still believe in the printed book as an art object as well as a portal to hidden planets. For those who want to hold it in their hands, we’ll provide the card catalogue and the map; for those who want to beam in virtually, we have the code for that. We believe that developing a community of writers, readers, and archivists is an act of love and attention rather than one of commerce and public relations.  Editors (not members of a marketing department) will be the arbiters of editorial decisions, the caretakers of authors, and the curators of artworks. Let it be said that Peanut Books is and will remain an imprint-in-progress, a press in the act of becoming. We hope to specialize in rambunctious, adventurous, bent, slant, and eccentric works of fiction and poetry, to be the imprint of the throwback and the flash-forward. We want work that seeks to connect, but also to disconnect, to inspire but also to deflate, to illuminate, to frustrate, to console, and to rebuke.  In considering Peanut Books, you might well consider our namesake which, despite its name and appearance, is a legume, not a nut. Legumes are pods, split on two sides. You never know what might spill out. We might well be that which we do not appear to be.

We look forward to reading your work. Please contact series editor Valerie Vogrin with your project proposals, queries, questions, and notions. Please note that at the outset we are planning to offer only one or two titles per annum, meaning that we will not be able to publish nearly all of the things we love.

Advisory Board: Glynis Benbow-Niemier, Lucy Corin, Cary Howie, Ander Monson, and Kellie Wells.


Where the Tiny Things Are: Feathered Essays

In a Trance: On Paleo Art

ACTION [poems]

The Petroleum Manga

The Apartment of Tragic Appliances


Figure 1. detail from Marina Zurkow, The Petroleum Manga (2014)

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