Electric Press

Series Co-Directors: Helen J Burgess ([email protected]) and Craig Saper ([email protected])

We publish long-form scholarly projects built partially or wholly in online format: electric objects that cannot be printed.

Electric Books follows the rhizomatic ethic of our parent/partner independent journals Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge and Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures. We value the strange, the partial, the particular and the experimental: scholarship that might be held to exist outside the increasingly regularizing archival and metrics-driven tendencies of the academy.

As Roland Barthes declares, “What love lays bare in me is energy.” Electric Press seeks to embody electric scholarship: that is, scholarship that excites a passion for overlooked and orphaned ideas and source material: bringing it alive and imbuing it with love. Care/cura as a life-affirming practice.


Vol. 1: Farina, Lara and Katherine Richards, eds. The Middle Shore. Raleigh, NC: Hyperrhiz Electric, 2018. doi: 10.20415/elec/v1.